
Strategies to Maintain Your Weight During the Holidays (Part 1 of 2)

By Sandra Gultry | December 7, 2018

Holiday season has been here technically since October! Have you already gained a pound or two? Smile. Don’t sweat it. Health conscious people everywhere are bracing themselves for another month of solid parties, feasts and […]

5 Simply Tips to Avoid the Holiday Weight Gain….

By Sandra Gultry | December 4, 2018

People tend to over-indulge, and it’s estimated the average person consumes around 3,000 calories on a special day. For many people, that can be two days worth of calories in one. The extra fuel comes […]

5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 4 of 4)

By Sandra Gultry | November 6, 2018

 #4 YOUR RECOVERY WILL BE SLOWER Are you are concerned about personal bests or training for a race? The true ketogenic diet is not usually associated with better athletic performance. Power sports like weightlifting or sprinting, most […]

5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 3 of 4)

By Sandra Gultry | November 6, 2018

#3 YOU’LL BE MORE PRONE TO DEHYDRATION Another downside of keto (or any low-carb diet)  is the increase water needs. Excreting the waste products from thes diets requires LOTS of fluids. This puts people at a […]

5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 2 of 4)

By Sandra Gultry | November 6, 2018

#2 YOU’LL NEED TO DIAL BACK INTENSITY IN THE BEGINNING Starting a ketogenic (or any low-carb) diet is a major adjustment for your body, especially if you are used to eating a moderate to high carbohydrate […]

5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 1 of 4)

By Sandra Gultry | November 5, 2018

#1 YOU MAY HAVE LESS ENERGY The keto diet involves eating a very small amount of carbs and very high amounts of fat. Following the keto diet may cut out processed sweets and starches, they also eliminate or […]

Keto Diet…Weight Loss…Overall Health…. Part 1 of 2

By Sandra Gultry | November 5, 2018

I am sure you have been contemplating various “weight-loss strategies”.  Trust that you are not alone. As I Registered Dietitian, I believe in the least amount of restrictions to address the total body. Such as: weight loss, increased […]

Jump Start Your Weight Loss Efforts Immediately!

By Sandra Gultry | October 20, 2018

  “Revealed: A Fool-Proof, Step-By-Step System To Lose Weight Once and For All PLUS the added bonus of Increasing Energy Levels, Lowering Blood Sugar, Cholesterol and Blood Pressure!” Calling All Health Conscious Folks! Got a quick […]

Sodium and Weight Loss

By Sandra Gultry | October 3, 2018

Salt also causes you to retain water, which tips the scales upward. By reducing your sodium intake, you may lose weight and also reap other health benefits.  Your body needs sodium to control blood pressure […]

5 Easy Ways to Cut Back on Salt (Part 3 of 5)

By Sandra Gultry | October 1, 2018

Welcome to “Food is Medicine” by Its All About Choices.  The theme for October is “Sodium” – Is Sodium Making you Fat? Many people intake 3 times the amount of sodium needed by the body […]