
“Morning MoJoe and Sugar Cravings”

By Sandra Gultry | July 14, 2020

Have you ever noticed the minute you take a sip of a cup of coffee to either wake you up in the morning or to get out of your mid-afternoon slump, you suddenly start craving […]

“I Hit it Hard when I Exercise – but Weight Loss is NOT Happening!”

By Sandra Gultry | June 30, 2020

ANNOUNCEMENT Have you signed up for my all-new 3-day (free) challenge & Training called “Crush your Sugar Cravings: A 3-Day Clean Eating No Added-Sugar” Challenge.  Designed to help you: Boost your energy levels and feel […]

I Cut Out Sweets: Still NOT Losing Weight?

By Sandra Gultry | June 24, 2020

With all due respect – “You don’t know what you don’t know”. There is always something to learn. Nutrition, weight loss, exercise, lifestyle changes are not as easy as a ‘google search’ and 1-2-3. If […]

Low-Carb Diets: The Cons- Explained

By Sandra Gultry | August 4, 2019

What is the Deal with all of these Low-Carb Diets, like Keto and Atkins? The Cons (Click here to read about the pros) Con #1 Turn to any number of blogs, FB posts, and forums, […]

Low-Carb Diets: The Pros – Explained

By Sandra Gultry | August 4, 2019

What is the Deal with all of these Low-Carb Diets, like Keto and Atkins? The Pros Many people who try a super low-carb diets such as Keto or Atkins have success initially at losing weight […]

Do Carbs Cause Diabetes?

By Sandra Gultry | August 4, 2019

Does Eating Too Much Sweets and Junk Food Cause Diabetes? This is the real question. The short answer is NO. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are complex disorders, with causes that are not […]

Are Carbs the Enemy?

By Sandra Gultry | August 4, 2019

What exactly are Carbs? When you hear “carbohydrates,” think “plant power”. On a basic level, carbs are sugars (naturally found in vegetables, fruit and dairy) starches (naturally found in grains, legumes and some veggies) and […]