
5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 3 of 4)

By Sandra Gultry | November 6, 2018

#3 YOU’LL BE MORE PRONE TO DEHYDRATION Another downside of keto (or any low-carb diet)  is the increase water needs. Excreting the waste products from thes diets requires LOTS of fluids. This puts people at a […]

5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 2 of 4)

By Sandra Gultry | November 6, 2018

#2 YOU’LL NEED TO DIAL BACK INTENSITY IN THE BEGINNING Starting a ketogenic (or any low-carb) diet is a major adjustment for your body, especially if you are used to eating a moderate to high carbohydrate […]

5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 1 of 4)

By Sandra Gultry | November 5, 2018

#1 YOU MAY HAVE LESS ENERGY The keto diet involves eating a very small amount of carbs and very high amounts of fat. Following the keto diet may cut out processed sweets and starches, they also eliminate or […]

Keto Diet…Weight Loss…Overall Health…. Part 1 of 2

By Sandra Gultry | November 5, 2018

I am sure you have been contemplating various “weight-loss strategies”.  Trust that you are not alone. As I Registered Dietitian, I believe in the least amount of restrictions to address the total body. Such as: weight loss, increased […]

“At 67, More energy than in my 40’s! A1c levels down 2 points, Diabetes meds cut in half, weight down 21 pounds!”

By Sandra Gultry | August 24, 2018

  My primary health concerns that lead me to seek a Registered Dietitian was 1) uncontrolled Diabetes, 2) elevated blood pressure, 3) weight loss, 4) lack of energy, and 5) needing a nap every 8 […]

“Fasting Blood Sugar Levels Down After 3 days in Program”

By Sandra Gultry | August 31, 2017

Working with Sandra and the Transformation… When I started working with Sandra in May 2017. My fasting blood sugar was 169 (very high) and I started insulin. My LDL (lousy cholesterol) was also high at […]

Starchy Grains. What are they?

By Sandra Gultry | May 14, 2017

Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy for the body and the preferred source of energy for the brain. There are three types of carbohydrates: sugars, starches and fiber. Grains are just one […]