Cholesterol : HEART Health and How Weight Impacts
High cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Medications can help improve your cholesterol. Most of us would rather avoid medications and first make lifestyle changes to improve cholesterol levels. In this […]
Dark Chocolate: Eat and Enjoy the HEART Healthy Way
Every year, Americans spend $22 billion on chocolate! Valentine’s Day accounts for a decent percentage of that total. While a heart-shaped box of chocolates may seem like the opposite of healthy, experts say it’s less […]
Pre-Diabetes: The Surprising Truth & HEART Health and Weight
Amazing but true: Approximately 88 million American adults—1 in 3—have Pre-Diabetes. More than 84% of people with Pre-Diabetes don’t know they have it. It’s real. It’s common. And most importantly, it’s reversible. You can prevent […]
Low-Carb Diets: The Cons- Explained
What is the Deal with all of these Low-Carb Diets, like Keto and Atkins? The Cons (Click here to read about the pros) Con #1 Turn to any number of blogs, FB posts, and forums, […]
Low-Carb Diets: The Pros – Explained
What is the Deal with all of these Low-Carb Diets, like Keto and Atkins? The Pros Many people who try a super low-carb diets such as Keto or Atkins have success initially at losing weight […]
Do Carbs Cause Diabetes?
Does Eating Too Much Sweets and Junk Food Cause Diabetes? This is the real question. The short answer is NO. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are complex disorders, with causes that are not […]
Are Carbs the Enemy?
What exactly are Carbs? When you hear “carbohydrates,” think “plant power”. On a basic level, carbs are sugars (naturally found in vegetables, fruit and dairy) starches (naturally found in grains, legumes and some veggies) and […]
5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 4 of 4)
#4 YOUR RECOVERY WILL BE SLOWER Are you are concerned about personal bests or training for a race? The true ketogenic diet is not usually associated with better athletic performance. Power sports like weightlifting or sprinting, most […]
5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 3 of 4)
#3 YOU’LL BE MORE PRONE TO DEHYDRATION Another downside of keto (or any low-carb diet) is the increase water needs. Excreting the waste products from thes diets requires LOTS of fluids. This puts people at a […]
5 Ways Going Keto Could Affect Your Workouts (Part 2 of 4)
#2 YOU’LL NEED TO DIAL BACK INTENSITY IN THE BEGINNING Starting a ketogenic (or any low-carb) diet is a major adjustment for your body, especially if you are used to eating a moderate to high carbohydrate […]