Cholesterol : HEART Health and How Weight Impacts
High cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Medications can help improve your cholesterol. Most of us would rather avoid medications and first make lifestyle changes to improve cholesterol levels. In this […]
Blood Pressure: How Weight Impacts & Tips on how to Reduce Stress on Your Heart
Do you get on the scale regularly checking for weight loss? Do you avoid getting on the scale? There are benefits to getting on scale regularly, such assessing your overall health risk for a chronic […]
Dark Chocolate: Eat and Enjoy the HEART Healthy Way
Every year, Americans spend $22 billion on chocolate! Valentine’s Day accounts for a decent percentage of that total. While a heart-shaped box of chocolates may seem like the opposite of healthy, experts say it’s less […]
How My Blood Pressure SETBACK Led to a COMEBACK as a Registered Dietitian
I am up close, personal, candid, and no-chaser to the point about my personal health journey. My journey was filled with a myriad of emotions: fear, frustration, disappointment, shame, anger and more importantly life-changing! I […]
15 Incredible Foods to Maximize Heart Health & Ignite Weight Loss
Heart disease accounts for nearly one-third of all deaths worldwide. Diet plays a major role in heart health and can impact your risk of heart disease. In fact, certain foods can influence blood pressure, triglycerides, […]
How the SETBACK of HBP Led to My COMEBACK as a RD
“How the SETBACK of High Blood Pressure Led to My COMEBACK as a Registered Dietitian” This week I am up close, personal, candid, and no-chaser to the point about my personal health journey. My mission […]
Low-Carb Diets: The Cons- Explained
What is the Deal with all of these Low-Carb Diets, like Keto and Atkins? The Cons (Click here to read about the pros) Con #1 Turn to any number of blogs, FB posts, and forums, […]
Low-Carb Diets: The Pros – Explained
What is the Deal with all of these Low-Carb Diets, like Keto and Atkins? The Pros Many people who try a super low-carb diets such as Keto or Atkins have success initially at losing weight […]
Do Carbs Cause Diabetes?
Does Eating Too Much Sweets and Junk Food Cause Diabetes? This is the real question. The short answer is NO. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are complex disorders, with causes that are not […]
Are Carbs the Enemy?
What exactly are Carbs? When you hear “carbohydrates,” think “plant power”. On a basic level, carbs are sugars (naturally found in vegetables, fruit and dairy) starches (naturally found in grains, legumes and some veggies) and […]