
Beautiful, powerful and artistic black man thinking.

7 Keys to Crush All or Nothing Thinking – Part II

By Sandra Gultry | May 30, 2024

“How to Stick to Eating Healthier & Weight Loss Goals: 7 Keys to Crush ‘All or Nothing’ Thinking” – cont Fourth key to crush All or Nothing thinking: Pinpoint the emotions ‘the story you tell […]

Beautiful, powerful and artistic black man thinking.

7 Keys to Crush All or Nothing Thinking – Part I

By Sandra Gultry | May 23, 2024

“How to Stick to Eating Healthier & Weight Loss Goals: 7 Keys to Crush ‘All or Nothing’ Thinking”   When you start a plan to lose weight or just eat healthier, do you feel like […]

aerial photography of vehicles passing by an intersection road

Mindful Eating & Weight Loss: What’s on your Side of the Street?

By Sandra Gultry | May 17, 2024

It’s human nature to evaluate ourselves based on the results we’re producing. That seems reasonable, right? But I want to draw an important distinction here. Classic scenario Let’s say you started a new weight loss […]

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How We Unknowingly Self-Sabotage our Diet (as well as Our Results), and How to Stop Doing It!

By Sandra Gultry | May 9, 2024

For some reason we have taught ourselves over time to think if we’re “not all in” and giving our diet 100% every day then we have failed. Scenario: You’ve been on top of our game, […]

boy in red and white striped polo shirt holding ice cream cone

What is Normal Eating? 3-Myth Busters that Make Normal Eating Simple and Achievable for Anyone

By Sandra Gultry | May 2, 2024

These days, it seems like everyone wants to put a label on their eating. Vegan. Paleo. Gluten free. Clean. Here’s a funny point, when people find out I’m a dietitian, I often get a lot […]

The Key Question to Ask Yourself Before & After you Eat

By Sandra Gultry | April 25, 2024

Kids are great at knowing how to eat when they’re hungry and stop when they’re full. What happens when you try to feed a baby that’s full?  That’s right they will spit it out and […]

woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime

5 Keys to Manage Stress Eating and avoid Unwanted Weight Gain

By Sandra Gultry | April 18, 2024

Over the past year, many people have been furloughed from jobs or unfortunately permanently terminated. Usually, the strongest food cravings hit when you’re at your weakest point emotionally. Many turn to food for comfort — […]

How Stress, Immunity and Weight Gain go Hand in Hand

By Sandra Gultry | April 11, 2024

A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that 3 out of 4 Americans reported experiencing at least one stress symptom each month. Top stressors include acne, headaches, chronic pain, decreased energy/insomnia and appetite changes. […]

green leaves on blue plastic bowl

Often Overlooked Benefits of Vitamin D and its Link to Weight and Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases

By Sandra Gultry | April 4, 2024

Vitamin D deficiency is more common than you might think. Globally, studies suggest roughly one billion¹ people are vitamin D deficient. 42% of adults are deficient 50% of children aged between one and five and […]

Beautiful, powerful and artistic black man thinking.

7 Keys to Crush Black-n-White Thinking – part II

By Sandra Gultry | May 27, 2021

“How to Stick to Eating Healthier & Weight Loss Goals: 7 Keys to Crush ‘Black & White’ Thinking” – cont Fourth key to crush B&W thinking: Pinpoint the emotions ‘the story you tell yourself’ triggers […]