7 Keys to Crush Black-n-White Thinking – part II

Beautiful, powerful and artistic black man thinking.

“How to Stick to Eating Healthier & Weight Loss Goals: 7 Keys to Crush ‘Black & White’ Thinking” – cont

Fourth key to crush B&W thinking: Pinpoint the emotions ‘the story you tell yourself’ triggers


In this step, describe the feelings or emotions your thought(s) created.

  • Overwhelmed– from the amount of work on your plate.
  • Frustrated– that this diet is turning out to be another failed attempt.
  • Angry– at yourself that you can’t manage to conjure the willpower to keep it going.
  • Despair– that something always seems to get in the way.

And maybe you even felt a sense of relief.

  • Relief– that you can finally come up for air and avoid the discomfort of change. (I point this out because I have felt that exact same relief from calling it quits.)


Fifth key to crush B&W thinking: Describe the result of your thoughts and emotions

You finished two solid weeks on your diet, and everything was amazing until you were handed two new projects. You had time to focus on you and your health, but now that time is gone.

Your thought was, “It is impossible to keep this diet going.

I’ll start again when I have time to give it my full attention.” And that thought triggered feelings of being overwhelmed, frustrated, and angry, along with despair.

Now, when you look at the action you take as a result of your thoughts and emotions, it’s easy to see what will happen next: You quit your diet or stop trying to eat healthy

How do you change your Thoughts?

Sixth key to crush B&W thinking: Challenge your initial thoughts

Ask yourself:

  • Is it really impossible to stick to your diet?
  • Is there anyone in a position like mine that has been able to keep eating more plant-based and weight loss going?

By asking the right questions, you start to see your actions (and results) are based on a skewed rationale. One that feels right in the moment, but isn’t true.

How do we change our belief?

Seventh key to crush B&W thinking: Choose a new thought

The goal of this step is to find a replacement Thought. One that will help you create the emotions you need to drive you to your goal – Eating more plant-based and losing weight.

Thoughts like:

  • The goal is progress, not perfection.
  • If I fail, at least I’m failing forward.
  • Mistakes are proof of progress.


What are your self-sabotaging thoughts that hinder you from consistently eating healthier (or more plant-based)?

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