Mindful Eating – Let your Stomach be your Guide
Basic Principles The basic principles of appetite awareness are simple. First, take charge of your eating decisions so that you are not as vulnerable to environmental signals/triggers (Ex: co-worker left hot Krispy Kreme donuts on […]
Starchy Grains. What are they?
Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy for the body and the preferred source of energy for the brain. There are three types of carbohydrates: sugars, starches and fiber. Starches and fiber are […]
Myth Buster: Milk Consumption does not lead to Mucus Production or Asthma.
The belief has been held for years that milk causes mucus formation, although the few studies on this topic have failed to demonstrate any effect of milk on mucus production. Many people confuse the temporary, […]
What are the Key Elements of Healthy Eating Patterns?
This is a common question. The good news is eating healthier is not complicated or expensive! Below are 5 high level guidelines with more details to follow. #1 Follow a healthy eating pattern across the […]
Almond Milk vs Cow’s Milk: The Mis-Guided Message – Part I (Why Dairy?)
Many people drink almond milk (including rice milk) as a dairy replacement/alternative to cow’s milk. Other than being fortified with calcium, almond milk is nutrient poor and only offer 1 gram of protein. The truth of the […]
Starchy Grains. What are they?
Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy for the body and the preferred source of energy for the brain. There are three types of carbohydrates: sugars, starches and fiber. Grains are just one […]
March IS National Nutrition Month
“Put Your Best Fork Forward” is the theme for NNM 2017 which serves as a reminder that each one of us holds the tool to make healthier food choices. Making small changes during National Nutrition […]
Pears: A Nutritious Fall and Winter Fruit – Part II
Pear season is late fall into winter season. As a fresh fruit, pears are often overlooked or saved for the special occasion tart or spot on the cheese platter. Pears have nutritious benefits that deserve […]
Pears: A Nutritious Fall and Winter Fruit – Part I
Pear season is late fall into winter season. As a fresh fruit, pears are often overlooked or saved for the special occasion tart or spot on the cheese platter. Pears have nutritious benefits that deserve […]
Not about what you “Can’t eat” The good news is, this holiday edition is not about what you “can’t eat” or “shouldn’t eat” during this time of the year. This holiday edition IS about: 1. […]