
Restaurants-Take Out vs Home-Cooked: The Pros and the Cons

By Sandra Gultry | August 1, 2024

Check out some surprising statistics on eating out vs eating at home. American adults spend about $1,200 on fast food per year. US families annually spend approximately $3,000 dining out. About 80% of US citizens […]

How to Enjoy your Summer Parties without Gaining Weight

By Sandra Gultry | July 25, 2024

Are you worried about eating too much at summer parties/events? If so, your concern is valid — studies show that the average American adult may gain almost two pounds a year, with the some of […]

The Skinny on How to Include Sweets into your Weight Loss Plan

By Sandra Gultry | July 18, 2024

Dessert and weight loss: The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive! In fact, if you love sweets, cutting them out altogether could hurt, not help, when it comes to losing weight. Yes, you can […]

woman in white shirt eating

Social Events: 4 Keys to Enjoy Dining Out without Unwanted Weight Gain

By Sandra Gultry | July 11, 2024

Going out is a good opportunity to “test out” new strategies you’ve come up with to deal with temptation. Sure, anyone can ‘quit sugar’ or ‘detox’ for a short, finite amount of time, but figuring […]

photography of person holding glass bottles during sunset

How Alcohol Sabotages Weight Loss & How to Have your Drink and Lose Weight Too

By Sandra Gultry | July 4, 2024

Going out and being social when you’re trying to get healthier — whether to lose weight or training for a sporting event— is a challenge. Not only is peer pressure real, but there are so […]

6 Tips For Not Regretting Your 4th of July BBQ and Wrecking Your Weight Loss Goals

By Sandra Gultry | June 27, 2024

Holidays are for celebrating and are meant to be enjoyed, but you don’t have to sacrifice your health or weight goals every time you attend a BBQ. These 6 BBQ survival tips can save you […]

Come back from Vacation and Still Fit into Your Clothes

By Sandra Gultry | June 20, 2024

Vacations seem to give us permission to throw caution — or in this case, healthy eating choices — to the wind and become eating machine versions of ourselves that we barely recognize. But it doesn’t […]

How to Enjoy Eating on Cruises and Keep your Weight in Check?

By Sandra Gultry | June 13, 2024

Is it possible to lose weight on a cruise? Stepping on the scale is the last thing you want to do when you get home from a cruise. All those late-night meals, desserts, fruity drinks.  […]

Stress Eating and its Impact on Weight Gain. Four Tips to Help You STOP!

By Sandra Gultry | June 6, 2024

Do you find yourself raiding the fridge when you’re upset, angry, lonely, stressed, exhausted, or bored?  If you answered yes…you guessed it…this is emotional eating! Emotional eating is using food in an effort to make yourself […]

Beautiful, powerful and artistic black man thinking.

7 Keys to Crush All or Nothing Thinking – Part II

By Sandra Gultry | May 30, 2024

“How to Stick to Eating Healthier & Weight Loss Goals: 7 Keys to Crush ‘All or Nothing’ Thinking” – cont Fourth key to crush All or Nothing thinking: Pinpoint the emotions ‘the story you tell […]