Month: August 2024

Is Packing Your Lunch Really the Best Approach to Avoid Packing on the Pounds?

By Sandra Gultry | August 29, 2024

Does the thought of having to prepare one more meal each day sound like a chore? Some feel packing a lunch on most days (even if you work from home) is SO HARD… Good news, […]

How to Get Your Eating Habits Back on Track and Lose Weight Again

By Sandra Gultry | August 22, 2024

Congratulations to you if you found time to enjoy the summer months: vacations, theme parks, water parks, eating out more, etc.. For many of us, the summer break is winding down, and it’s time to […]

Setting the Right Goals (for you) to Lose Weight Once and For All

By Sandra Gultry | August 15, 2024

Did you know weight loss is really NOT about weight loss? Puzzled. Weight loss is about your BEHAVIOR! Weight loss is about the CHOICES you make! Weight loss is about building life-long ENJOYABLE habits! Weight […]

No. 1 Mistake that Wrecks Weight Loss Efforts + Solution!

By Sandra Gultry | August 8, 2024

Even with the best eating pattern and fitness routine, if sleep is off, your weight loss efforts are severely hindered! Sleep Controls your Diet According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 35 […]

Restaurants-Take Out vs Home-Cooked: The Pros and the Cons

By Sandra Gultry | August 1, 2024

Check out some surprising statistics on eating out vs eating at home. American adults spend about $1,200 on fast food per year. US families annually spend approximately $3,000 dining out. About 80% of US citizens […]