This Is Your Year to Thrive: 3 Keys to Setting Yourself Up for Success in 2024


Have you ever noticed how kids are so great at acknowledging themselves? 

They’ll confidently say things like, “I did it! I went to the potty all by myself!” 

When was the last time you acknowledged yourself with such enthusiasm? 

Many of us do not acknowledge ourselves enough and, as a result, we miss out on opportunities to build our self-confidence.

To “Hit the Reset Button” in 2024, we must reflect on 2023 and acknowledge what you did well, not just what you didn’t accomplish. 

Read more to start 2024 strong with 3 simple steps that will keep you moving forward to reaching your weight loss and health goals – no matter what life challenges you face along the way!


To boost your self-confidence in any area of your life, make it a practice to praise yourself. 

This doesn’t mean that you go around and brag about every accomplishment. Rather, it means shining a light on your strengths and other positive attributes.

First simple step that will keep you moving forward to reaching your weight loss and health goals – no matter what life challenges you face along the way!

Give yourself permission to toot your own horn

Your brain is very adaptable, and positive thoughts about yourself create neural connections that get strengthened every time you repeat them. The stronger the neural connection, the more it shapes what you believe is true about what you can or cannot do. 

Your mindset then influences your thoughts, emotions, behavior and, ultimately, your results.

Many of us tend to under-appreciate the “minor” things we do successfully every day because we easily remember experiences when we made a mistake or “failed” at something. 

As humans, we are excellent self-critics, and those critical thoughts lead us to experience negative emotions such as guilt, shame and embarrassment.

So, give yourself permission to toot your own horn.

Reflect back on your life in 2023

The second simple step that will keep you moving forward to reaching your weight loss and health goals – no matter what life challenges you face along the way!

Take a few moments to reflect back on your successes in 2023. Right now, we are celebrating the SMALL victories that feed into the bigger victories.

What decisions or achievements are you most proud of? What struggles have you overcome?  

Grab a piece of paper and write a list of three things you have achieved.

Remember we are celebrating the many small wins throughout the day, in 2022, that you have overlooked.    

Let’s unpack this more…

Specifically, success with changing eating habits, exercise, sleep, stress management, stress eating, doctor visit weight loss, etc. These are all related to why we are “hitting the reset” button.


Eating habits – Ate more veggies or fruits, drank more water, reduced stressed eating, ate out less

Exercise – set a regular schedule to exercise – even if it was one day per week

Sleep – went to bed earlier on most nights

Stress eating – instead of going for the sweets, you went for fruit for some stressful situations

Stress management – said NO more than usual to prevent overcommitting yourself….

Doctor’s visit: Visited PCP for first time in years, new lab work done, had a procedure you’ve been putting off 

Weight loss – lost one pound that you did not regain! Yes, count this as success to cultivate in 2023 😊

Reframe your perspective

Finally, the third simple step that will keep you moving forward to reaching your weight loss and health goals – no matter what life challenges you face along the way!

This is one is important and probably the most difficult step

When you make a mistake or do not live up to your expectations take the time to reflect on that event and search for the positive meaning. 

You can ask yourself questions such as, 

“Did I do my best at that time?” 

“What was my intention?” 

“What did I do well?” 

“How might this serve as a learning opportunity for me?” 

There’s always a positive lesson in any situation when you look for it. 

When you find the positive meaning, praise yourself for that as specific and accurate as you can. 

Write your praise down or say it out loud in private. 

It can take some time to shift negative habitual thoughts through self-praise, however, it is well worth the effort. 


When you train yourself to acknowledge and celebrate your progress — no matter how small — you can change your inner dialogue, broaden your perspective, and prime yourself to feel even more confident, success and happiness

If you practice these habits consistently, you will notice that your inner dialogue becomes more loving and empowering, and you will not depend on praise and validation from others to feel worthy and capable. And, your heightened confidence will extend into other areas of your life, motivating you to achieve even bigger goals. Commit to acknowledging yourself every day to boost your confidence and program yourself to believe the truth that you can do anything!

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So, how do you put all this to practice???  How do you begin creating some new eating habits going for the New Year?

Wonder no more…

Download my free guide that includes a 5-day meal plan and prep guide w/ fast & easy recipes with an itemized grocery list so that you know exactly what to eat and when!


Some benefits you will experience during this 5 day experience:

  • Surge of energy levels throughout the day (think 2-4pm typically crash n burn)
  • Benefits of eating satisfying meals that will keep cravings at bay
  • Waking up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the day

An added bonus is you will “Jump start Your Weight Loss & Boost Your Energy Levels”!

Click [HERE] to grab your free copy!



Another Sandra Recommends

Listen to the FB LIVE Replay for more insightful information on this BLOG.

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