5 Tricks for Regulating Halloween Treats: How to Keep Candy At Bay So You Can Maintain Your Weight…


October brings on the calorie-laden chocolate bars and sugary sweets are out in full force. Everyone knows that Halloween candy calories add up quickly, but it can be a real challenge to avoid Halloween candy when it’s everywhere you look.

The good news,  there are plenty of simple, yet effective strategies you can use to trick yourself into staying on track with your weight goals.

The MAGIC question is: How To Keep Candy At Bay So You Can Maintain Your Weight (and health goals) …

Here are my 5 Favorite Tricks for Avoiding (the overindulgence of) Halloween Treats:

#1 Get Candy You Don’t Like

When it’s time to stock up on candy at the grocery store, most of us will instinctively reach for the candy that we enjoy the most. Buy your least favorite candy instead. It’s the easiest way to remove the temptation of snacking on sweets at home.

#2 Buy Less, Give More.

With grocery stores offering deals and discounts on candy this time of year, it’s hard not to stock up. When you find yourself in the candy aisle, buy the bare minimum you think you’ll need for Halloween, and dole out generous portions of candy when the trick-or-treaters come to your door. This helps you avoid having leftover candy lingering in the house after Halloween.

#3 Buy Candy the Day Before Halloween.

Normally, waiting until the last minute to shop for seasonal items is a bad idea. In the case of Halloween, however, procrastination is your best friend. If you minimize the number of days that candy is sitting around your house, you don’t have to worry about snacking on it for weeks leading up to Halloween night.

#4 Choose High-Cocoa Chocolate (For Yourself).

If you have to buy chocolate, opt for dark chocolate with 70–85 percent cocoa. It contains less sugar when compared to milk chocolate, and it’s a good source of important minerals like magnesium, zinc, and iron. The kiddos may not enjoy the taste of it, but if you’re going to allow yourself some candy this Halloween, it may as well be a healthy variety.

#5 Store Candy Out-Of-Reach.

The more conveniently located the candy, the higher your consumption will be. Put it on the highest shelf in the kitchen, or in a place where you have to go up or down a staircase to get to it. If you have to go up a flight of stairs or break out a step stool to reach your stash of candy, you are far less likely to binge on it.

Candy-Coated Summary

This is the best time to eat 1-2 ‘minis’ or even one larger ‘fun size’ to take the edge off. Get creative in keeping temptation at bay. Total deprivation will likely not work in your favor.


See mistake #3

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