Come back from Vacation and Still Fit into Your Clothes

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Come back from Vacation and Still Fit into Your Clothes (Weight Loss Efforts NOT Sabotaged!)

Vacation eating weight loss. Written by: Sandra Gultry, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Weight Loss and Health Coach who resides in Orlando, Florida.

Vacations seem to give us permission to throw caution — or in this case, healthy eating choices — to the wind and become eating machine versions of ourselves that we barely recognize. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can come back from vacation this year having enjoyed the culinary experience and still fitting into your favorite pair of jeans. In other words, you can have your indulges by the ocean and your pre-vacation weight, too. Five ( 5) little tricks to avoid vacation weight gain.  You can enjoy eating on vacation come back from vacation and still have weight loss and fit into your clothes — here’s how.

#1 “Order right” (enjoy vacation eating weight loss)

On vacation, you can take advantage of dining out and exploring new dishes while having someone else prepare them for you. This doesn’t mean they need to be unhealthy. Quite the contrary, actually — use dining out as a time to try a new fish lemongrass mackerel sound good? or  a veggie side dish broccoli rabe with lemon and pine nuts? Not only may you lose weight, but you’ll be inspired to start creating some of these dishes at home, too.

#2 “Double up on Fitness” (enjoy vacation eating weight loss)

Most vacations provide us with leisure time. Vacation is the time to double up on your sweat sessions and try new activities. The doubling up part comes from doing something active such as family paddle boarding, kayaking, or doing a walking tour of the city. The key is to plan the go-to workout and incorporate the activity part into each day’s events.

#3 “Go prepared” (enjoy vacation eating weight loss)

Bumper-to-bumper traffic for hours and airport delays can leave you justifying ordering a high calorie/high fat value meal or shopping down the junk food isle. Skip the bag of chips and just say “no” to the value menu that will leave you unsatisfied, craving more and probably even with a stomachache. Instead, go prepared with snacks that can bridge the gap between meals and even work together to form mini meals. Nuts, fruit, popcorn, bagged salmon, tuna and protein powder are a few ideas that can work on the road and will fit nicely into that mini fridge in your hotel room. Many of the convenience type stores, even in airports do have healthier options these days.

#4. “Drink properly” (enjoy vacation eating weight loss)

Dehydration can leave you feeling lethargic, cranky and falsely hungry! In other words, hangry and tired, but really you’re just thirsty! So, pack that water bottle and fill it, fill it and keep filling it

#5 “Downplay dessert” (enjoy vacation eating weight loss)

Don’t get me wrong, vacation is definitely a time to indulge — in a conscious manner. But that doesn’t mean you have to go hog wild. Coming home from vacation feeling bloated and tired isn’t really reaping those vacation benefits, now is it? Split dessert with family/friends is one way to offset the calories. Another approach: Decide ahead of time: one or two desserts for the week? Make sure to choose the occasion based on eating what you love.

Take Away Message

There you have it, five (5) little tricks to avoid vacation weight gain. I do encourage my clients to take the weight loss pressure off themselves when vacationing or special events (like birthdays). I also encourage my clients to come back at the same weight (a 1 or 2 over is reasonable)!  Trust me, you will still have room to enjoy indulges. I will say vacation eating, cruises (working on a LIVE), and even eating out locally takes practice to get a handle on it. First, we must grow to a point of getting past the hype and the “WoWness” of all the food you have access to before self-control and mindful eating can take its rightly place in our food/drink choices.

Vacations seem to give us permission to throw caution — or in this case, healthy eating choices — to the wind and become eating machine versions of ourselves that we barely recognize. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can come back from vacation this year having enjoyed the culinary experience and still fitting into your favorite pair of jeans. In other words, you can have your indulges by the ocean and your pre-vacation weight, too.  Temember, you can enjoy eating on vacation come back from vacation and still have weight loss and fit into your clothes.

Sandra Recommends

If you’ve been tweaking your intermittent fasting window, trying every new version of Keto, or thinking you need to shop exclusively at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods to eat healthy… it’s time for a change! Especially if you’ve been trying for 3 months or longer without results.

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Do you feel like you’ve tried every diet created? After trying all of these diets you’re likely left feeling frustrated and disappointed because you can’t keep the weight off for good. It can be incredibly tiresome to always feel like you’re starting over without any real change in your body.

If you’re struggling with weight loss or confused/overwhelmed about what to eat… you’re in the right place!

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That’s why I created this 5-Day meal plan. In this easy-to-follow guide, you’ll experience:

Vacation eating weight loss


  • A surge of energy that will last throughout the day without depending on sugar or caffeine (think 2-4pm typically crash n burn)
  • The benefits of eating delicious and satisfying meals that will keep cravings at bay – even during those stressful parts of the day
  • Waking up feeling refreshed and energized – ready to start the start off strong

An added bonus is you will “Jump start Your Weight Loss & Boost Your Energy Levels”!

Click [HERE] to grab your free copy! ( )


Another Sandra Recommends

Listen to the FB LIVE Replay for more insightful information on this BLOG.


Previous week’s topic How to Enjoy Eating on Cruises and Keep your Weight in Check?

Next week’s topic 6 Tips For Not Regretting Your 4th of July BBQ and Wrecking Your Weight Loss Goals

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