How to Enjoy Eating on Cruises and Keep your Weight in Check?

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Is it possible to lose weight on a cruise?

Stepping on the scale is the last thing you want to do when you get home from a cruise. All those late-night meals, desserts, fruity drinks.  They add up, and they add pounds.

Vacation Fact: The typical cruise passenger gains one pound a day on a voyage of seven to 10 days.

Good News! Eating healthy on a cruise isn’t an impossible task, while still enjoying yourself.

Read for 3 easy tips on How to enjoy what’s on the menu without adding pounds

Mix up heavy and light meals

For example, let’s say the plan is to live it up with a steak and all the fixins’ at a specialty dining venue for dinner? Have a sensible salad for lunch that includes a healthy mix of carbs, protein and fats.

Maybe the plan is to go all-out with a pancake and bacon breakfast feast? Order light and simple for dinner – such as grilled fish, veggies and a healthy starch (baked potato, corn, rice, etc). Skip the dessert – remember the pancake feast was dessert 😊.

If you pair a splurge meal with eating light the rest of the day, you won’t feel so bloated by debarkation.

You’re on vacation, so it’s OK to treat yourself — just don’t do it at every meal.

Limit your dining to actual meals

Have three meals a day, starting with one about two hours after you get up, then five hours later, with dinner about five hours after that. Satiety and enjoyment is key.

The concept of the 25-25-50 plate is a good approach here:

  • One quarter of the plate is your lean protein of choice such as chicken, fish, turkey or steak.
  • One quarter of the plate is your starch of choice (YES CARBS) like macaroni and cheese, pasta or mashed potatoes.
  • The remaining half of the plate are your vegetables and/or fruits of choice.

Having this mix, you will not feel deprived PLUS you are getting your favorite things while still living it up!

Most importantly, your plate is low-calorie, high-water, and high-nutrition foods!

The goal here is to limit — or eliminate — between-meal snacking, and you’re well on your way to coming home the same weight you were on day one of your cruise.

Skip the late-night dining

This one will likely hit below the belt for most of us!  Virtually every cruise ship has a late-night or 24-hour food option, even if it’s just room service.

I think we ALL know about the late night “Pizza Extravaganza”

Nothing good ever comes out of eating Pizza and/or a cheeseburger with fries at 1 a.m. So, if you want to eat healthy, just say no to after-dinner meals and wake up earlier for breakfast.


Your best bet on a cruise is to pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. While eating, try not to multitask and instead, savor every bite. Awareness is helpful because simply staying more mindful of your fullness can help you keep your portions in check and prevent a stomachache from overeating.

Sandra Recommends

Do you feel like you’ve tried every diet created?

After trying many diets you’re likely left feeling frustrated and disappointed because you can’t keep the weight off for good.

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Another Sandra Recommends

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