6 Tips For Not Regretting Your 4th of July BBQ and Wrecking Your Weight Loss Goals

Young handsome men roasting barbecue on grill in cottage countryside. Copy space.

Holidays are for celebrating and are meant to be enjoyed, but you don’t have to sacrifice your health or weight goals every time you attend a BBQ.

These 6 BBQ survival tips can save you hundreds of calories you won’t even miss, and keep your health and fitness goals on track.

4th of July is around the corner. Set yourself up for the food, fun and fellowship without the guilt the next day.

#1Use small plates.”

Research clearly shows that people who choose smaller plates and utensils eat less without even noticing it.  Remember the food at BBQ are usually higher in fat, sodium, calories, and low in fiber and other nutrients. The difference is substantial! As much as 50% fewer calories consumed, yet everyone reports the same level of fullness and satisfaction. Interesting huh!  Try borrowing a plate from the kids table or the dessert tray.

#2 “Eat slowly and mindfully.”

People who eat more slowly eat fewer calories over the course of a meal. BBQs are a perfect opportunity to pace yourself as you mix and mingle with friends and family. Hint: The more you’re chatting, the less you’re eating.

#3Eat healthiest foods first.”

If you are eating slowly and off small plates, you may as well fill up on the healthiest stuff first.  Salads are a great place to start because watery vegetables slow digestion and have very few calories.  Salads are usually SKIPPED at BBQs.

#4 “Skip the chips, crackers and bread.”

Refined carbohydrates are the worst things you can eat because they offer little satisfaction for our body (our flesh feels good yes!), loads of calories and dangerous insulin spikes.  BBQs are filled with wonderful food, so do yourself a favor and save your calories for the really good stuff. You don’t have to eat your burger without a bun. Do pass on the pointless chips and other snacks that lure you when you’re not thinking.

#5 “Keep dessert small.”

The difference between a large slice of cake and a smaller slice of cake can literally add up to hundreds of calories.  And to reiterate, sugar and refined carbohydrates are the most dangerous foods. In terms of insulin spikes and nourishment for our bodies. That said, you don’t have to pass on dessert completely, but keep your portion sizes in check!

#6 “Think before you drink.”

There is a place for alcohol in a healthy lifestyle.  Smart choices will make the difference between losing or gaining weight (not to mention your self-control).  One sugary mixed drink may have 600-800 calories. That means having 2 of these amounts to more food than many should consume in an entire day.

Is that really worth it?

Stick with wine or beer, drink plenty of water and remember to pace yourself.


Small tricks can save you hundreds and potentially thousands of wasted calories that you will never notice or miss. Why sacrifice a good time when you can just upgrade your health style?

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