Ditch the Holiday Forbidden Foods List and Ignite Weight Loss! (Common Holiday Mistake #4)


Ditch the Holiday Forbidden Foods List and Ignite Weight Loss! (Common Holiday Mistake #4)

Forbidden Foods Weight Loss. Written by: Sandra Gultry, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Weight Loss and Health Coach who resides in Orlando, Florida.

Ditch the Holiday Forbidden Foods List and Ignite Weight Loss!

Question, have you done your google search for foods to ‘avoid’ and foods ‘recommended’ during the holiday season???

Did that list help you feel “Festive” or “Frustrated”?

Doesn’t it sound much better to:

  1. Enjoy without overindulging?
  2. Eat anything you want in moderation?
  3. Give yourself permission to enjoy some holiday favorites?

“Knowing is Half the Battle!”

Read more, as I reveal common holiday mistake #4 and how you can still “lose weight” during the holiday season.

Self-Assessment Question

What your holiday season weight history? “Gain”, “Lose”, “maintain”

Tis the Season to be Jolly… (Ditch the forbidden foods list and ignite weight loss)

and packing on pounds indulging in rich, fattening fare.  The last 3 months of the year can be quite tempting: (WHY?)

  • Halloween – all that candy
  • Thanksgiving – dressing, mac-n-cheese, casseroles, homemade desserts
  • Holiday parties – alcohol
  • Christmas – eggnog, dressing, casseroles, mac-n-cheese, homemade desserts
  • New Year’s Parties – more alcohol
  • New Year’s – alcohol and late-night breakfast

Oh yeah, Super Bowl Parties – alcohol, wings, chips, dip

The key is having control over the amount you eat! (Hint: Holiday Mistake #4)

Self-Assessment Question

Which holiday poses the most challenge for your cravings level and weight? “Halloween”, “Thanksgiving”, or “Christmas”


Goals for the New Year (Ditch the forbidden foods list and ignite weight loss)

Before diving into common holiday mistake #4, I do want to share more insight on how to enjoy holiday goodies without putting on a single pound. If you’re like me, you want to enjoy the holiday food, fun, fellowship and even the drinks without the ‘evidence’ sitting on you all of the next year. Also, for me, my blood pressure going sky high and for others their sugar levels going sky high.

After all, we are around food that, in most cases, are only prepared during the holiday season. So, we don’t want to feel deprived.

Two questions. Which one applies to you….

  1. Do you want to start the New Year 10 to 15 lb lighter? (It’s NOT too late) OR
  2. Do you want to start the New Year at your current weight? (Good Plan also)

Both of situations reflect some aspects of the  S.M.A.R.T goal format – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely!

Attainable provide the steps necessary to reach the overall goal.

The three (3) common holiday mistakes will help drive both sets of goals: weight loss and weight maintenance. As well as the common mistake #4 I am about to reveal

Drum Roll

Now let’s just jump how to avoid Holiday Mistake #4 to help you avoid the holiday weight gain.

Just a quick recap of the prior Holiday Mistakes

  • Holiday Mistake #1 Skipping Breakfast.
  • Holiday Mistake #2 Going back for seconds!
  • Holiday Mistake #3 Showing up Starving!

The 4th common Holiday Mistake is…. Eating Leftovers for WEEKS!

The truth is:

  • Thanksgiving is ‘one’ day…
  • Christmas is ‘one’ day…
  • New Year’s is ‘one’ day…

Holiday Mistake #4 (Ditch the forbidden foods list and ignite weight loss)

Eating holiday left overs for weeks!

The truth is:

  • Thanksgiving is ‘one’ day…
  • Christmas is ‘one’ day…
  • New Year’s is ‘one’ day…

Why are we eating more in the last 3 months of the year than the first 9 months?  Thought-provoking question…

Select your holiday events wisely. Even decide which one’s are worth eating more and which are not. This alone will save a bunch of calories. The goal is to come out of the holiday season the same weight you went into the holiday season. Trust me, weight maintenance gives plenty of room for enjoyment.

‘Tis the season to be jolly…

and pack on pounds indulging in rich, fattening fare.  The last 3 months of the year can be quite tempting:

  • Halloween – all that candy
  • Thanksgiving – dressing, mac-n-cheese, casseroles, homemade desserts
  • Holiday parties – alcohol
  • Christmas – eggnog, dressing, casseroles, mac-n-cheese, homemade desserts
  • New Year’s Parties – more alcohol
  • New Year’s – alcohol and late night breakfast
  • Oh yeah, Super Bowl Parties – alcohol, wings, chips, dip

Ditch the Forbidden Foods List

Like many, you have done your google search for foods to ‘avoid‘ and foods ‘recommended‘ during the holiday season.

Doesn’t it sound much better to:

  • Enjoy without over indulging?
  • Eat anything you want in moderation?
  • Give yourself permission to enjoy some holiday favorites?


What usually happens is we go into the holidays with the best intentions, then as soon as you lay eyes on something you have not eaten since the holidays in , the “over indulge” mode kicks into high gear! 3 months later, you’re setting weight loss New Year’s Resolutions…

What to do Instead… (Ditch the forbidden foods list and ignite weight loss)

If you going to partake in leftovers for many days, cut the portions downs from what you ate on the HOLIDAY (Thanksgiving Day and/or Christmas Day).

We all tend to overeat it simply because we are human!

Hence how we gain weight and looking to hit the reset button in January!

Weight Loss & Health Accelerator Session!

If you’ve been tweaking your intermittent fasting window, trying every new version of Keto, or thinking you need to shop exclusively at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods to eat healthy… it’s time for a change!

Especially, if you’ve been trying for 3 months or longer without results.

How seriously have you taken your own well-being?

We often tend to be better at taking care of others than taking care of ourselves. There’s no shame in needing help to put ourselves back on the priority list.

That’s why I’m doing something super special.

How would you like my PERSONAL mentoring to catapult YOUR health results?

You see, I’m gifting 10 people in my community with a comprehensive “Health Accelerator Session” with my fee entirely waived.Forbidden Foods Weight Loss

In your private 1:1 session with me, we’ll focus entirely on you. In particular:

  • We’ll create a crystal clear vision of  a nutrition & weight loss path for you
  • We’ll uncover the hidden obstacles and unconscious patterns that have been sabotaging your success with losing weight & keeping it off
  • You’ll leave the session not only inspired, but with personalized and tangible next steps to catapult your health now!

Lastly, these sessions will be taking place the last two weeks of October- then they’re gone.

Click to Apply Now

Sandra Recommends

Listen to the FB LIVE Replay for more insightful information on this BLOG.



Previous week’s topic: 5 Tricks for Regulating Halloween Treats: How to Keep Candy At Bay So You Can Maintain Your Weight…

Next week’s topic: How Gratitude Reduces Stress and Improves Your Health…

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