7 Keys to Crush All or Nothing Thinking – Part I

Beautiful, powerful and artistic black man thinking.

“How to Stick to Eating Healthier & Weight Loss Goals: 7 Keys to Crush ‘All or Nothing’ Thinking”


When you start a plan to lose weight or just eat healthier, do you feel like you are either all-in or all-out? That there’s no middle ground? If so, you’ve fallen into the trap of “All or Nothing” thinking. And the single biggest roadblock in your way is…your mindset.

But what if you could change that? What would be possible if eating healthier and your weight loss goals weren’t dependent on your job, life, or you being perfect?

I am revealing seven (7) steps that are the keys to crushing that “All or Nothing” mindset resulting in successful and sustainable weight loss, increased energy, and optimal health.

First key to crush All or Nothing thinking: Learn to spot All or Noting thinking

Before you can change self-sabotaging thoughts, you must first learn to spot them.

Whether you’re talking to others or yourself, pay attention to keywords like:

  • Always
  • Never
  • Impossible
  • perfect, or
  • ruined

An example of ‘black & white’ language in action:

I just downed a row of Oreos. Well, I guess my diet is “ruined.”  So now you think “It is impossible to keep this diet going now. I’ll start again when I can give it my full attention.”

Catching yourself using ‘All or Nothing’ keywords takes practice.

Second key to crush All or Nothing thinking: Describe the situation

In this step, we’ll briefly describe the situation or circumstance that led to your thought(s) [ we identified in the first step]

Triggers like:

  • The pressure at work or school is mounting,
  • Putting off a project until the last minute,
  • Woke up late,
  • Having an argument at home

Third key to crush All or Nothing thinking: Capture the “stories” you tell yourself


In this step, you will capture the thought you had immediately after the triggering event. This thought was likely subconscious or automatic.

An example, “This always happens! (triggering thought). (immediate thought to capture) That’s why I’ve never been able to stick to a diet.”

Notice the black & white keyword “never” in the second thought.

Another example: I just downed a row of Oreos. Well, I guess my diet is “ruined.” (triggering event and thought) (immediate thought to capture) “It is impossible to keep this diet going now. I’ll start again when I can give it my full attention.”

Notice the black & white keyword “impossible” in the second thought.


Want more? Click HERE for Part TWO

What are your self-sabotaging thoughts that hinder you from consistently eating healthier (or more plant-based)?


Sandra Recommends

Breaking your habits and improving your diet is NOT easy.

Although fad diets may offer a quick fix, they are often unhealthy and deprive the body of the nutrients and calories it needs, leading most people to RETURN to unhealthy habits regardless of if they hit their weight loss goal.


Remember, weight loss is not one-size-fits-all. To have success, it is important to find a plan that works for you and fits well with your lifestyle.

This requires a level of personalization!

I am offering “no cost” 60-minute “Back-On-Track” sessions.  A complimentary 60-minute phone session to discover your personalized keys to weight loss success!

I am looking for 12 people who are highly committed to their success.

I don’t offer standalone sessions in my practice anymore BUT if I did, they would go for $125!!!

In your private, 1:1 session, we will:

  • create a crystal-clear vision of a nutrition & weight loss path for you
  • uncover the hidden obstacles and unconscious patterns that have been sabotaging your success with building healthy eating habits, losing weight and/or keeping it off

You’ll leave the session not only inspired, but with personalized and tangible next steps to catapult your weight loss and health now!

Sessions are limited! Put your name in the hat for a complimentary 1:1 session at ActionChoices.com/BackOnTrack


Anoter Sandra Recommends


Listen to the FB LIVE Replay for more insightful information on this BLOG.


Previous week’s topic Mindful Eating & Weight Loss: What’s on your Side of the Street?

Next week’s topic 7 Keys to Crush All or Nothing Thinking – part II

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