How to Avoid the Holiday Weight Gain! (Common Holiday Mistake #3)


How to Avoid the Holiday Weight Gain! (Common Holiday Mistake #3)

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain. Written by: Sandra Gultry, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Weight Loss and Health Coach who resides in Orlando, Florida.

Do you find yourself dreading the last 2-3 months of the year? For some it’s the holiday craziness…

For others it’s the holiday family craziness…

For most, it’s the inevitable holiday weight gain…

Stay tuned as I reveal common holiday mistake #3 and how you can avoid the holiday weight gain by enjoying  your holiday favorite AND still “lose weight”.

The Holiday Round Up (Avoid the holiday weight gain)

It’s that time of year when extra calories lurk around every corner. All these extras add up, you’re lucky if you only put on a pound or two by New Year’s Day.

Unfortunately, most put on more than a pound or two. According to researchers at the National Institutes of Health, most Americans don’t lose the weight they gain during the winter holidays.

The pounds add up year after year, making holiday weight gain an important factor in adult obesity. But you don’t have to fall into this trap. It is possible to enjoy holiday goodies without putting on a single pound. “Portion control is the key”. Saying it and implementing it are TWO different things! I don’t believe you must give up/avoid foods that you like — but it is the amount you eat.

The key is having control over the amount you eat! (Hint: Holiday Mistake #3)


Self-Assessment Question

Where do you usually fall going into the New Year? “Gain Weight”, “Maintain Weight” or “Lose Weight”

Goals for the New Year (Avoid holiday weight gain)

Before diving into Holiday Mistake #3, I do want to share more insight on how to enjoy holiday goodies without putting on a single pound. If you’re like me, you want to enjoy the holiday food, fun, fellowship and even the drinks without the ‘evidence’ sitting on you all of 2023. In addition to weight, for me, I don’t want my blood pressure going sky high and for others they don’t want their sugar levels going sky high or cholesterol levels going in the wrong direction. After all, we are around food that, in most cases, are only prepared during the holiday season. So, we DON’T want to feel deprived.


Self-Assessment Question

Weight goals going into the New Year? “Lighter” or “Current”

“Drum Roll”

Now let’s just jump how to avoid Holiday Mistake #3 to help you avoid the holiday weight gain. Just a quick recap of the prior Holiday Mistakes (replays are available)

  • Holiday Mistake #1 Skipping Breakfast.
  • Holiday Mistake #2 Going back for seconds!

These common mistakes, leads directly into Mistake #3…

Showing up to the meal or party “STARVING” or “HAN-GRY”

Don’t “save” up calories by skipping meals or cutting ‘carbs‘ leading up to meal or party. This is a 100% full proof recipe for over-eating and allowing the tempting food/alcohol to totally control you!

Holiday Mistake #3 to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Going to event or holiday feast – “Hangry!”

Don’t “save” up calories by skipping meals or cutting ‘carbs‘ leading up to feast. This is a 100% full proof recipe for over-eating and allowing the food/alcohol to totally control you!

What to do Instead…

Depending on the timing of the holiday festivities, eating adequately prior sets you up for success, keeps cravings at bay, and avoids the “what the hell” syndrome of over eating. Leading to holiday weight gain.

Here are some quick tips that commonly fall through the cracks:

  • Have a solid breakfast is essential
  • When the holiday feast is after 3 PM, having a solid lunch is essential
  • Breakfast and lunch containing healthy carbs/starches is essential

Self-Assessment Question (Avoid holiday weight gain)

What is your typical routine on the day of a holiday or holiday event? “Skip Meals”, “Eat Normal”, “Snack all Day”


Take away message

Knowing the ‘tricks of the trade’ to stay on track during the holidays are keys to:

  • Enjoying the holidays
  • Feeling free to eat what you want and not deprive yourself
  • Not feeling overwhelmed and sluggish
  • Preventing weight gain

Never lose sight of the “Matters that Matter

  1. “Don’t Forget About YOU during the Holiday Season” (Holiday Mistake #1)
  2. “Staying on Track During the Holiday Season” (Holiday Mistake #2)
  3. “Avoiding the Holiday Weight Gain” (Holiday Mistake #3)

This is the perfect time to jump start your weight loss and health goals before the holiday season kicks in!

Guess what?

You can enjoy the holiday season (all three months), and lose weight before the end of 2020. Also, you don’t have to figure this out alone, get help with the “quick tips” above…


Go into the Holiday season ARMED to enjoy the holiday food, fun, family, fellowship AND still lose the weight that you have been working so hard on your own to lose all year.

Sandra Recommends: Weight Loss & Health Accelerator Session!

If you’ve been tweaking your intermittent fasting window, trying every new version of Keto, or thinking you need to shop exclusively at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods to eat healthy… it’s time for a change! Especially if you’ve been trying for 3 months or longer without results.

We often tend to be better at taking care of others than taking care of ourselves. There’s no shame in needing help to put ourselves back on the priority list.

That’s why I’m doing something super special.

It is incredibly confusing and overwhelming to try and figure out how to lose weight and even harder to keep yourself motivated without someone there holding your hand.

How would you like my PERSONAL mentoring to catapult YOUR health results?  Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

You see, I’m gifting 10 people in my community with a comprehensive “Health Accelerator Session” with my fee entirely waived.

In your private 1:1 session with me, we’ll focus entirely on you. In particular:

  • We’ll create a crystal clear vision of  a nutrition & weight loss path for you
  • We’ll uncover the hidden obstacles and unconscious patterns that have been sabotaging your success with losing weight & keeping it off
  • You’ll leave the session not only inspired, but with personalized and tangible next steps to catapult your health now!

Lastly, these sessions will be taking place the last two weeks of October- then they’re gone.

Click to Apply Now

Listen to the FB LIVE Replay for more insightful information on this BLOG

Listen to the FB LIVE Replay for more insightful information on this BLOG.

Previous week’s topic:  How to Stay on Track During the Holiday Season! (Common Holiday Mistake #2) 

Next week’s topic: 5 Tricks for Regulating Halloween Treats: How to Keep Candy At Bay So You Can Maintain Your Weight…

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