“My blood pressure is down and my fasting blood sugar is at its lowest in a year. I have more energy and just overall feeling the best I have felt in years.” [Video]

Lewis Thurston Head Shot Canva

My Struggle with my Health…

I was so afraid that I could not get my weight and diabetes under control. I thought the more and more my doctor talked about insulin I would soon be on it. My A1C was near 8 and my weight was at 224 and going up. My blood pressure was on the rise. I was losing the health battle and the doctor was ready to increase my medications.

I was determined to fight for my health and then comes Sandra’s program. I was not confidence this program was for me when Sandra and I first agreed. But once I paid the money I was on the hook and she was not going to let me go. I am so thankful to Sandra for sticking with me and not letting me quit.

My Struggle with Change…

My goal was to just try the program and see what happened. I was being tough and trying to do my own version of her program with no results. Stupid of me for paying someone and not following the program.

What progress I missed out on in the early stages of introductions.  My A1C was a major concern. When I started with Sandra my A1C was 8.0 and now I am at 5.7.  Sandra’s program has me thinking daily about my health and what I put in my body.

My Life Now…

Sandra had faith that I could avoid insulin and convinced me to believe the same. My numbers are great.  Now, I am happy and my doctor is surprised. Overall, my health has improved to a point that is very surprising to me. My blood pressure is averaging 125/75 from 150s/90s and my fasting blood sugar is at its lowest in a year – averaging 109 down from 173 . I am sleeping better and have more energy. Overall, I am feeling the best I have felt in years.

My weight is down 26 pounds! My cholesterol levels (LDL) are normal!

I continue to follow the principles of her 12-week program. I am so thankful Sandra did not throw in the towel on my stubbornness.

I appreciate Sandra for showing that extra care for my health and wellbeing. Her compassion for wanting you to be the best you can be is very touching.  I am so thankful to Sandra for sticking with me and not letting me quit.


–Lewis Thurston, Tallahassee, FL

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